The Chief Marketing Officer Institute's

CMO Symposium

UAB Collat School of Business – Birmingham, AL


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 12:00 PM – 6:30 PM CDT

Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM CDT

Here are just a few of the featured speakers…

Pete Jung

Pete Jung


Raj Grewal, Ph.D.

Raj Grewal, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, UNC Chapel Hill

AK Oghoghomeh

AK Oghoghomeh

CMO, Beyond Meat

General N. Lee Price

General N. Lee Price

U.S. Army (Ret.)

Mariela Ure

Mariela Ure

CMO Truist

The Chief Marketing Officer Institute’s CMO Symposium is designed to create a dynamic forum where senior-level executives gain fresh insights and new tools that enable them to enhance their leadership effectiveness and increase the strategic influence of marketing within their organizations. Featuring content designed by distinguished subject matter experts, this program is intended for client-side Chief Marketing Officers and/or high-potential marketing leaders – as well as academic thought leaders interested in engaging with senior-level practitioners.

How is this Event Different? 

The CMO Symposium is truly unlike any other event in the world.  Here are just a few reasons why.

1.  To create an intimate environment anchored by peer discussions, participation is by invitation-only and is limited to 120 client-side marketing leaders and 15 leading academicians.

2.  Symposium content is solely focused on the role and leadership challenges faced by marketing executives, not broader topics related to marketing in general, or lower-level activities executed by marketers.

3.  To provide greater context for symposium speakers and encourage deeper peer-to-peer conversations, reading materials for each session are provided to participants in advance